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Submitted by: Nigel Reyez
Never say you can not do it. This is my advice to everyone. Even if you think that you can not pass the demanding Oracle 1Z0-133 exam. You can find a quick and convenient training tool to help you. Passtcert Oracle 1Z0-133 training material is a very good training materials. It can help you to pass the exam successfully. And its price is very reasonable, you will benefit from it. So do not say you can’t.
If you want to choose this certification training resources, Passtcert Oracle 1Z0-133 training material will be the best choice. The success rate is 100%, and can ensure you pass the exam.Passtcert is a website to achieve dreams of many IT people. Passtcert provide candidates participating in the IT certification exams the information they want to help them pass the exam.
Share some OCA 1Z0-133 exam questions and answers below.
An administrate in your organization says you do not need to back up the domain files on a machine which only managed servers run. Select the best explanation for this statement.
A. This Is truebecause the domain files can be re created with the pack and unpack utilities.
B. This is true (with an exception) because the domain files can be re-created with the pack and unpack utilities. The exception is if your security realm uses the embedded ldap system. Which is not included in the JAR file created by the pack utility.
C. This is true (with an exception) because the domain files can be re-created with the pack and unpack utilities. The exception is for applications thatare deployed to the managed server.Those files are not included in the JAR file created by the pack utility.If you back those up manually, then pack and unpack can be used.
D. This is not true. You need to back up the domain files on a machine on which only managed servers run by using operatingsystem commands (such as tar or zip).
Answer: A
You decide to use a database to store WebLogic Server transaction logs for a managed server. Which two steps are required to configure this?
A. Under the managed server’s Services configuration select JDBC asthe typefor the transaction log store.
B. Underthe managed server’s Services configuration, select”Disable the Default Store
C. Create a non XA data source in the domain for the databasetransactionlog.
D. Create an XA data source in the domain for the database transaction log.
Answer: A,C
Which statement is true about stopping Node Manager?
A. If you stop Node Manager, the managed servers it started will also stop.
B. You may kill the Node Manager process by using operating system commands.
C. Using the stopNodeManager.sh script so Node Managerstopsgradually.
D. Using the administration console, select the appropriate machine and click stop.
E. The administration server goes into ADMIN mode if it can no longer Communicate with Node Manager.
F. The managed servers that Nod Managerstartedgo intoADMINmode if they cannolonger communicate with NodeManager.
Answer: B
Which session persistence type is invalid?
A. Async_replicated
B. async_jdbc
C. replicated
D. async_memory
E. cookie
F. file
G. replicated_if_clustered
Answer: A,B,C
You are using the Configuration Wizard to create a now domain that will consist of a cluster of a of three managed servers along with an instance of WebLogic server acting as HIPT proxy to distribute traffic to the cluster. Which three steps should you perform with the Configuration Wizard?
A. Create one Cluster.
B. Install OracleHTTP Server.
C. Createone Coherence server.
D. Create tourmanaged servers.
E. Assign three servers to a cluster.
F. Specify a proxy port tor the administration server.
Answer: A,C,E
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About the Author: Passtcert Oracle 1Z0-133 training material are the most thorough, most accurate and latest practice test. You will find that it is the only materials which can make you have confidence to overcome difficulties in the first. Oracle 1Z0-133 exam certification are recognized in any country in the world and all countries will be treate it equally.
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