Learn About The Atlas Orthogonal Therapy Options With Charlotte Nc Chiropractor}

Submitted by: Princess Cruz

A chiropractor goes to school as long as or longer than a medical doctor to learn the relationship between the spine and nervous system of the human body. This licensed and skilled practitioner examines any number of neuromuscular ailments with precision and accuracy, with a strong belief that the body can heal itself. A qualified Charlotte NC chiropractic professional alleviates or significantly decreases pain and discomfort.

The manner in which this professional accomplishes this is through manual manipulation of the spine through a quick, yet gentle pushing, pulling, and twisting of the skeletal structure. The result:

– Restoration of spinal column structure

– Decreased pressure on the nervous system

– Improved health and well-being of the person

– Increases painless spinal mobility

– Increased reflexes

The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor

When a licensed professional or student goes beyond the realm of traditional chiropractic techniques they enter into an area called, Atlas Orthogonal adjustments. This professional receives six or more additional years of education to learn these advanced technologies.

Proven successful orthogonal methods avoid the pushing, pulling, and twisting techniques. This approach towards spinal manipulation involves exceedingly gentle adjustments with a remarkable decrease in pain and discomfort. Patients who have orthogonal adjustments find it difficult to understand how such a gentle spinal alignment can is so effective without the traditional manipulation techniques.

Atlas refers to “right angle” or square, meaning that the head must be square to the vertebral column. When this is not the case, the head is out of alignment with the spinal column. When the head is not aligned to the spinal column, pain occurs in the legs, ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, shoulders, back, and neck due to a misalignment of the central skeletal structure, causing more severe processes to occur. Over time, complications arise.

Orthogonal techniques use a safe and gentle tool known as a stylus. This stylus is not an invasive procedure by any means. This stylus transfers to the body an accurate painless impulse to the area of concern in the back.

The central nervous system runs through the spine. When there is a misalignment of the spine the head is not square to the spine there occurs a blockage of communication between the brain and body. A good share of pain that people experience decreased or disappeared, because there is no longer any stress or tension on the spine. An accurately aligned spine frees up the central nervous system connecting to the brain.

Correction of this area is called correction of the Atlas Subluxation Complex. Once the patient undergoes Orthogonal, they realize mind boggling positive results.

Atlas Orthogonal adjustments show significant improvement in over 30 different chronic disease processes such as, but certainly not limited to arthritis, asthma, neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and more.

This well licensed, educated, seasoned, and skilled professional never claims they can eradicate any disease process. They do claim to be able to relieve pain, pressure, and discomfort in the human body.

A misalignment of your spine has a huge bearing on body mechanics, spawning a host of complications and disease processes. When the spine is in proper balance, the pain the patient has is significantly decreased or eliminated.

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