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Once you reach level 50 and above in Cityville, you will no doubt of unlocked most buildings, housing and decorations, and will of probably completed most of the job mission requests giving to you, so you may be wondering what to do next with your city.
Well there are a few ways to go about playing Cityville and one of them is to turn your city into a goods producing capital. Producing tonnes and tonnes of goods and shipping them out to your neighbours to earn loads of gold coins for your cities bank balance.
How you do this is very simple, you start off by building a crop farming business by adding lots of storage buildings within the city, it is best to use either the barn or the sticks as your storage buildings for this process. Try to make sure you have a storage capacity of at least 3000 and above, so you can gather all your crops in one go.
Then you simply place loads of farming squares and plant pea crops up to the limit of your storage capacity which produce 155 goods every 3 days, and then its a case of waiting 3 days for the crops to ripen and become ready for harvesting.
While waiting for your crops to be ready for harvesting, it is also a good idea to build yourself quite a few piers by the coast to help bring in even more goods for selling to your neighbours. Simply place a pier and add 5 cargo ships around each of the piers, and then send them out to Rome Relics to collect 194 goods which usually takes 3 days. Incidentally placing piers adds 420 storage to your city’s overall storage capacity, so is a great building to construct within your city.
Once your pea crops are ready for harvesting and your cargo ships have returned and are ready to be unloaded, make sure you have enough energy and then start harvesting each crop and unloading every cargo ship and watch your overall citys storage counter fill with goods.
When you have harvested every pea crop and emptied every cargo ship, simply mouse click on the train station and then mouse click the sell goods tab, and sell your surplus goods to Charlieville which will earn you 600 gold coins for every 300 goods you sell. Make sure you don’t neglect the businesses within your own city and leave an adequate supply of goods to resupply every one of your businesses at least once.
Using this method every three days will bring in a good amount of gold coins, xp points and special items, so you can finally have enough gold coins to purchase those much sort after high rise and landmark buildings.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/gaming-articles/computer-games-articles/how-turn-your-cityville-city-into-goods-producing-capital-279809.html
About Author:
Simon Ecclestone If you would like more hints and tips for playing Cityville, then head over to my website which gives unbiased reviews on the Top 3 Cityville Strategy Guides available. Author: Simon R Ecclestone