How To Remove Static From Hair

By Gracie Roloff

Static hair can give you a lesser confidence when going out and have only limited time to fix your hair. This will sometimes irritates yourself especially when you see your hair in the mirror with a very ugly and flyaway hair. You do not seem to like it and instead, you will want to have a solution right away to get rid of the static. There are some ways on how to remove static from your hair and here is the list of instructions you might want to follow:

Dryer sheets

Buy a branded dryer sheets in the store, sprinkle it with water and grab a portion of your hair. From the scalp down to the very end of your hair, grab the sheets in between. This will quickly remove static and will give a good smell as well.



After shampooing, apply an exact amount of conditioner in your hair and massage it from scalp to its end. Leave it for 5-10 minutes to let the hair moisturizer penetrates unto your hair. After 5-10 minutes, gently rinse your hair with water and use a clean towel in removing excess water. Put other leave-on conditioners to your hair to give extra strength and moist making it a little bit oily and smooth. Do not use a hairbrush that has very tiny tooth because this will not allow your hair to stay in the right shape.


Static hair may be caused sometimes by not properly combing your hair. It is very important that you have a wide-tooth hairbrush at home to comb your hair properly. Combing your hair every night with 100 strokes at one direction only will help you get back the natural oil of your hair. This is the most common advice by elders since they have been doing this before when there is no beauty salon yet or products that can remove static from our hair.

Beauty Salon

Speaking of beauty salon, this is the fastest way of removing static from your hair nowadays. There are people who do not want to do other treatments themselves at home but rather go to beauty parlors and have their hair being repaired. Beauty experts already have the knowledge on how to get rid of your static hair. However, you will pay higher than spending for the other manual treatments mentioned.

It is up to you which way you would like to have your static hair removed. All of these methods will give you a nicer result and will help you get rid of the static from your hair. Many have tried these things already and have seen the changes on their hair.

What you will find that if none of this is working for you, you may want to consult with a beauty school nearby, or you can even talk with the person that cuts your hair at your local salon. There are many great products online that you can actually take advantage of that can help with something like this!

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