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Going through the painful emotions of a breakup with your boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) is tough, but one of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make right now is contacting him. “But I want to get him back right now!” I hear you say. Of course you do, however contacting him is NOT the way to go which is why you need to read the rest of this article to see how you can use the no contact rule to make HIM desperate for YOU back.
What is the No Contact Rule?
By simple definition, the no contact rule means cutting of all contact with your ex. This may go against the feelings you have right now; all you want to do is call him and explain how much you love him, miss him, want him back etc. But let me go through the reasons why doing that won’t work.
- Guys hate clinging. In fact, they run away from anything ‘clingy’. Males want to feel that their freedom is intact, this means the avoidance of most ‘commitment’ where possible. When you cling, you are effectively forcing him to commit to something (your relationship) against his will by him accepting your clinging behavior. This will make him uncomfortable and only succeed in driving him further away from you.
- Guys appreciate independent girls. By contacting him after a breakup, you are only showing that you can’t get on without him and this will push him further away from you. Guys want girls who have their own lives, their own friends and their own ambitions. While your ex boyfriend might appreciate that you want to spend time with him, he will want to spend more time with YOU if you make it seem like you have a lot going on. And you do, you have your friends, family, daily commitments and what-not. Don’t ruin this fact by contacting him if you really want to get your ex boyfriend back.
- He wants the chase! Guys are suckers for a good chase. It’s the way males are programmed, it’s been this way for all of history and it’s not different now. By depriving him of that chase, you are depriving him of his favourite past time and that means he will think he is getting a lot less out of your relationship then he thinks he should. Bottom line is that you need to make him feel like he’s worked for it.
How you can use the No Contact Rule to drive your ex boyfriend crazy
Now that you know the reasons why contacting him won’t work, you can begin to see how you can use this to your advantage. Don’t cling, be independent – keep running your own life, give him the chase! By not contacting him, he will begin to realise that you really CAN get on without him and in turn that he made a mistake. He will then try to contact you but don’t give in just yet. Make him work for it – after all, you deserved to be worked for don’t you? Take in what you’ve learnt here about the no contact rule and you will be in a much better position to get your ex boyfriend back. Not just that, HE will be the one desperate to get YOU back. Please understand that this is just one of a number of effective techniques you can use to get him back.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/advice-for-women-articles/get-your-ex-boyfriend-back-using-no-contact-rule-320747.html
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Are you ready to get Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back? If so, Christian Caleb will lead the way, giving you tips and reviews like his Get Him Back Forever Review to help you get him back and keep him for good.Author: Christian Caleb