Mesothelioma Diagnosis Options
Husseiny AhmedThe diagnosis of mesothelioma is very difficult for two main reasons, the first one is the time between the exposure to Asbestos and the appearing of the symptoms on the patient. The time between the exposure to asbestos and the appearing of the symptoms may be from 30 to 50 years. Yes, it is very very long time, and that is describe why many of mesothelioma cases are diagnosed nowadays. The Asbestos was using by the construction companies in the past so, mesothelioma that cased by the exposure to Asbestos are discovering now in patient that was working in these companies.
Mesothelioma diagnosis may occur by using some kind of radiations such as x-rays and/or (CT) scan to discover the tumors on the chest cavity, doctor may cut out a small piece from the pleural tissue or peritoneal tissue to test it outside.
Peritoneoscopy: In this case, doctor use a special medical equipment called Thoracoscope, doctor uses this medical equipment to reach the chest cavity and to see any abnormal parts on it. Doctor may cut out a small piece from the pleural tissue if he/she decided that this part must be cut out to be examined outside.
Peritoneoscope: In this medical operation the same thing that was mad with the chest cavity will be repeated with the abdominal cavity to take a look in the abdomen to test the peritoneum. As I wrote before, the peritoneum is the outer line surrounds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity so, doctor uses the peritoneoscope “another medical equipment to test the abdominal tissue” to reach the abdominal cavity and test the affected parts. The same action of cutting out a piece of the peritoneum tissue may be repeated if necessary.
By Husseiny Ahmed, if you’d like to learn more about mesothelioma please visit
Malignant Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Mesothelioma Treatment Options
for more information.
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