Finding The Right Toilet Bowl Deodorizer

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Finding the Right Toilet Bowl Deodorizer


Fred Meek

Having guests at home means that you have to spend a great deal of time to make the place spic and span. But no matter what you do, you can’t seem to rid your toilet of that foul poop smell, which will embarrass you to no end when your guests remark about it.


If your toilet appears clean, it does not mean it actually is. The lingering stink of poop indicates that it is not. So if you are using the same old disinfectant, then you are not going to get anywhere close to getting of that odor. You need to tackle the odor directly, right where it comes from – the toilet.

A toilet bowl deodorizer can help you get rid of the smell completely. Before you get one, make sure that it is natural. Those deodorizers made from natural oils are more effective and their smell is not pungent. It is more pleasant and lasts for a longer time. So there is no question of allergic sneezes.

A deodorizer with natural oils as its ingredients is also eco friendly. If the wastes from homes have any chemicals, then it may not be effectively treated and this in turn can pollute the water. Hence you must ensure that your toilet bowl deodorizer is natural and does not cause any environmental pollution.

A good deodorizer is one that can eliminate any odor from floating wastes as well. Most deodorizers cannot do this, so you have to make sure that you find one that can do this.

A toilet bowl deodorizer is better than an ordinary room freshener because it starts acting before itself. You just have to spray it before you use the toilet and even after you flush the fragrance will last for a long time. Ideally you get the best results when you spray it into the air as well, after you flush.

Stay away from bathroom odor with Poo~Pourri

Toilet Bowl Deodorizer

. These are natural and ecologically friendly. For more information visit:

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