15 Ways To Sell Yourself Effectively In A Job Interview Part Three

By David Bain

This article is continued from ’15 Ways To Sell Yourself Effectively In A Job Interview – Part Two’.

11) Know The Job Role That Your Are Applying For

There’s no excuse not to know as much as possible about the position that you’re being interviewed for. With the job title and the company website you can be very knowledgeable about what your prospective employer is going to be looking for. You should be able to find out additional information from many other areas such as the online press or companies house, so not being able to find out information before hand isn’t an excuse – it’s a reason why your interviewer shouldn’t employ you.

12) Know Your Place In The Company / Organisation


You need to understand where the position that you’re applying for fits in the organisation. If you’re not too sure then there isn’t any harm in phoning up whoever is going to be conducting the interview before hand to ask them the specifics. Tell them that you’re doing research on the position before the interview. It can only impress them that you care enough to find out. If you aren’t aware of where your position sits in the organisation and how it relates to others then you won’t know who you are responsible to and who your are responsible for.

13) Understand The Personality Fit Required

It is extremely important that you understand the style of working environment that you will have the opportunity to work in if you are successful. Again, have a look at the companies’ website before hand. Look at the tonality of the content. Look at previous press releases. Then ask yourself whether you’d describe the company or organisation as formal, informal, or just plain crazy. You’re doing both you and the company a disservice if you accept a position in an organisation that simply doesn’t suit your personality.

14) Ask About Future Plans For The Company / Organisation

There are two main reasons that you should enquire about the future intentions of your prospective employer. Firstly, it wouldn’t be good for either you or the organisation if you wouldn’t enjoy its strategic future direction. Secondly, if you don’t enquire about the company’s future direction why on earth should the interviewer think that you are passionate about the job role? Remember to ask about the future of the company – and be interested in hearing the answer.

15) Ask What The Next Stage Is In The Interview Process

Lastly, you need to know what the next stage of the interview process will be. Some positions – and this especially applies to a sales role will actually expect you to ask them whether or not you have got the job. This shows that you are really keen and have a real desire to get going with things. However, the majority of positions will have a formal process that the prospective employer wishes to follow. If that is the case then you still need to ask what the next stage of the interview process is. This gives you the best possible chance of being invited back as it affirms your desire to be offered the role.

About the Author: David Bain is a consultant to


– a specialist teacher supply recruitment agency. U Teach Recruitment is based in Coatbridge, Scotland and brings schools and teachers together from all over the UK. Teaching opportunities include Science teaching jobs. Visit


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